Capital Campaign

7.8 Million Dollar Goal

remaining! to god be the glory!
$ 0

$7.8 Million Dollar Goal

remaining! to god be the glory!
$ 0


In May 2021, we launched the Cultivating Real Life Campaign to raise $7.8 million for four new staff homes and a new base camp dining hall that would advance ministry opportunities throughout our La Grange campus.

God has done amazing things to cultivate real life over the last 80+ years at Camp Lone Star, and as a result of His blessing and the sacrificial generosity of over 300 families, our campaign was fully funded in January 2023! To God alone be the Glory!

Thank you for journeying with us over the last several years and stepping out in faith to see God’s will done in and through Camp Lone Star. The success of this campaign allows us to better care for people, serve more guests, and impact more lives for generations to come.

A shared experience, a powerful breakthrough, a lifelong journey; the ministry of Camp Lone Star creates opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to cultivate real life, rooted in and centered on Christ. The Cultivating Real Life Capital Campaign was launched May of 2021. The success of this campaign will allow us to better care for people, serve more guests, and impact more lives for generations to come.


As a result of inflation, exponential rising costs of materials, and supply chain issues the projected budget for these projects began to swiftly climb. Additionally, our construction and engineering teams discovered over $1.2 million in infrastructure upgrades necessary to tie in the new Dining Hall to our existing water systems. Together, the construction and architect teams found every possible way to bring costs down without compromising the quality of the builds. We are thankful for their tireless work and partnership.


4 Individual Staff Homes 

1,738 sq. ft. 

3 bedrooms

2 bathrooms with carport

4 Individual Staff Homes

1,738 sq. ft. 

3 bedrooms

2 bathrooms with carport

As of April 2023, all four homes are fully complete and are already making an impact on the lives of our full-time staff members and their families. Lorri and Luis Sanchez, who have been on staff here at Camp Lone Star for over a decade, put their experience of moving into a new home like this:

“We are truly enjoying our new home! It is such a blessing to be able to live on site in the community of our fellow staff and near the groups that we serve throughout the year. What makes this more than just a place to live is the love that was poured into these homes by so many generous supporters of LOMT and the people that serve here at Camp as staff. We sincerely appreciate the love and support that have been poured out on us through the efforts to make these homes possible. Come on by & we would be happy to show you our house that love built!”

Base Camp Dining Hall

12,569 sq. ft. (dining capacity: 264)

Conference Meeting Room (capacity: 40) and seasonal office space.

Rejoice Hall

12,569 sq. ft. (dining capacity: 264)

Conference Meeting Room (capacity: 40) and seasonal office space.

The new base camp dining hall, Rejoice Hall, was dedicated on Sunday, July 30 at our BBQ & Auction Fundraiser and by the grace of God was fully completed in September 2023. We rejoice as we begin to serve guests here, and in knowing that this dining hall will allow our campers to eat as one community and add an hour of ministry each day for adventurous Christ-centered activities. This space will be used for generations to come for our campers and guests to gather and enjoy fellowship with one another.


  • 4 Staff Homes………………………………………………………………………………………….$2,338,954* 
  • Base Camp Dining Hall……………………………………………………………………….$4,794,736*
  • Soft Costs (architecture, engineering, surveying, etc.)………..$724,621
  • Total CRL Max. Project Cost:…………………………………………………………….$7,858,311

*Includes all site work, infrastructure upgrades, FFE, kitchen equipment, building costs, & construction fees


We recognize the considerable goal that now exists to raise $7.8 million. However, the reality is that we have a big God who has proven time and time again that He is the God of miracles. 

This past January, Camp Lone Star wrote and was awarded a challenge grant of $1,575,000 by the Mabee Foundation to help accomplish these projects. We are overwhelmed with joy that, not only are these projects now obtainable, but by God’s grace, we will see life-changing impacts as a result of this campaign. It’s important to note that this is a challenge grant which means, in order to meet the requirements, we must raise the remaining project funds within one year. Here’s where we stand:


As a direct result of this campaign, we will be able to better care for people, serve more guests, and impact more lives for generations to come. Through the addition of these new staff homes, our team will be able have the security and comfort of home allowing them to focus on providing the highest quality service to our campers and guests. The Base Camp Dining Hall will allow our campers to eat meals in one shift providing for an hour more each day of Christ-centered programming. This campaign will help cultivate real life for generations to come.

As you can see with this challenge grant, we have a new task in front of us: to raise $2 million by January 2023. This is a God-sized goal, and we can only do this with His blessing and your help. Imagine for a moment the reality and opportunities ahead if we were to reach this goal – 4 year-round staff receive a quality home, summer campers gain an hour each day for adventure Christ-centered experiences…all without taking on a dime of long-term debt.


 We are filled with gratitude for all that the Lord has done and will continue to do through the generous outpouring of gifts we received through the Cultivating Real Life Campaign. Now, moving forward, we invite you to continue linking arms with us. Each year, we are blessed to serve over 12,000 individuals through directed events, retreats, outdoor education, summer camp, and more. The reality is, we wouldn’t be able to do any of it without the support of our donors, who truly are champions of this ministry.

If you’d like to continue giving to Camp Lone Star on an ongoing basis, we invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a recurring donor. Even the smallest gifts can make a big impact. Click here to learn more about how your gift transforms lives.


Pray Boldly: Pray that God will provide in raising $2 million! Pray that lives will be transformed through this campaign for His glory.

Make a Commitment: If you have not yet, we ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us in this campaign by making a 3-5 year financial pledge. Your pledge can make a substantial impact on our ability to reach our goal.

Extend Your Commitment: Many of you have made sacrificial pledges to be fulfilled by December 2023 and we are beyond grateful for how you have already provided for Camp! Please pray if God is calling you to help us close the gap by increasing your pledge and extending your commitment through December 2025. 

Invite others or your Church to join CRL. We are in need of continuing to spread the word about this campaign and invite more friends to come alongside this campaign. Your advocacy and partnership are valuable resources to the ministry.