In 1985, the Development Council (DC) was created to help support the camp financially and assist in volunteer work.
In 1992, the DC requirements were revised to reflect a renewable 3-year commitment of regularly praying for Camp and financially giving a minimum of $500 annually. DC members were also to be advocates for LOMT in their local congregations as well as help raise money and awareness by inviting friends to the BBQ and annual Auction.
Development Council members serve as supportive leaders of LOMT/Camp Lone Star through prayer, advocacy, and financial giving.
1. Pray regularly for Camp and the staff
a. As available, attend the annual Development Council weekend
b. Receive DC e-news for updates and prayer requests
2. Advocate for LOMT/Camp Lone Star in your local congregation
a. Submit prayer requests to your local congregational prayer list for Camp
b. Encourage the use of the ministry (retreats, summer camp, mission opportunities, etc.)
c. Share the stories of Camp and encourage others to get involved
d. Invite guests to the Annual Barbecue Celebration & Auction
3. Financially support at a minimum cash gift of $1,000 annually (or $500-$1,000 annually for recent summer staff alumni)
a. DC members who are also Thrivent members can direct Choice Dollars to LOMT/Camp Lone Star and submit requests for Thrivent Action Teams for specific projects
Sounds Great! How do I join?
Download the Development Council Enrollment Form below.
Once completed, send the form with your first commitment payment to Camp Lone Star.
It’s supporters like you that are the backbone of this ministry—so thank you!
If you have any questions, contact Heidi Prince, our Advancement & Marketing Coordinator, by email or phone 979-968-1657.
2016 Camp Lone Star Rd
La Grange, TX 78945
22610 Tuwa Rd
Tomball, TX 77375